a web series presented by Dr. Brendan Weaver and narrated by Lady Santana Quispe
In June 2020, PAHN launched a weekly web series in honor of Peru’s National Month of Afro-Peruvian Culture. This June, the web series returned for a second season in June 2021. These videos cover themes related to the archaeology of slavery at the former Jesuit haciendas of Nasca - Hacienda San Joseph de la Nasca and Hacienda San Francisco Xavier de la Nasca and their annexes. Each video is subtitled in English.
Season 2.
Be sure to visit the companion page for Episodes 1 & 2, “Naming the Enslaved: Nasca Hacienda Inventories”, where we publish and memorialize the names of the enslaved ancestors of the communities of San José and San Javier.
Be sure to visit the companion page for Episodes 3 & 4, "The Jesuit Chapels," where "where you can explore the chapels of the Nasca haciendas.